


創始人 - 邱銘松


關於邱氏咖啡巧克力  About Us

巧克力是「浪漫」象徵的食品,要和個性保守、純樸的客家人畫上等號,有點讓人難以想像,屏東縣內埔鄉民邱銘松帶領著自己的兒女追逐巧克力夢,要讓巧克力成為屏東客庄產業。 邱銘松的巧克力夢是有使命感的,他曾說:「客庄人口老化得快,我要用巧克力這個現代美食,取代屏東客庄的檳榔產業,吸引年輕人回鄉」。約30年前,屏東客庄大量種植當時被 稱為「綠金」的檳榔,這個備受爭議的產業,政府採取不鼓勵、不取締的措施,10多年前,邱銘松就已預見檳榔產業是沒有未來的前景,於是開始試著種植時下流行的飲品咖啡



Chocolate is a food symbolizing romance, and its association with the conservative and ordinary Hakka people might seem somewhat unimaginable. In Neipu Township, Pingtung County, Mr. Chiu and his family pursue his chocolate dream of establishing chocolate as an industry in the Hakka villages of Pingtung. Mr. Chiu's chocolate dream is driven by a sense of mission. He once stated, "The Hakka population is ageing rapidly. I want to use chocolate, a modern delicacy, to replace the betel nut industry in Pingtung's Hakka villages and attract young people back to their hometowns."

Approximately 30 years ago, Pingtung's Hakka villages heavily planted betel nut, then known as "green gold." This controversial industry faced governmental policies that neither encouraged nor regulated it. Over a decade ago, Mr. Chiu foresaw the betel nut industry's lack of future prospects and began experimenting with planting coffee, a popular modern beverage.

Cocoa is the raw material for chocolate. The key to a successful harvest of cocoa beans lies in processing techniques, crucial for turning them into viable products. Planting began around 2001, with the first beans harvested three years later. Since then, Mr. Chiu has dedicated himself to studying the chocolate-making process and perfecting its flavors, from harvesting and fermenting to drying, grinding, and molding into chocolate. Through countless intricate production processes, he overcame technical challenges to produce chocolate that rivals the quality of chocolates from around the world.



CI (Chiuscoco International)是邱氏與生化科技博士敎授群共同合作開發的創新可可巧克力保養品系列。CI 保養品系列採用全球獨步多國多項專利技術,將可可等植物最精華的成分萃出並鎖住在珍貴的保養液裡。


自然農法可可栽培  Natural farming cocoa cultivation

開滿在可可樹幹上的可可花只有1/100會授粉成功。授粉之後有一半的可可花會因各種原因沒辦法順利結果(自然凋萎,被動物啃食等原因),最後一半的可可果莢成熟後必須經過十幾道手續才能製成好吃的台灣巧克力。很多人很好奇從種植可可到製成巧克力要幾個步驟,還有要花多久時間? 台灣最適合種植可可的氣候在高屏地區,在外國種植可可需要57年才會生產可可豆,但是在台灣3年就可以採收。


可可最適合種植在熱帶雨林,最佳環境是海拔400700公尺、溫度不能低於10,最好維持在25 - 32、全年必須潮濕的嬌貴環境下才長得好。採收後的可可果,要變成可以食用的巧克力可可磚中間要經過至少12道步驟、總共要花費約1個半月才能製成。可可是巧克力的原料,收成的可可豆最重要是要有加工技術,做成產品才有出路,邱氏2001年種植,3年後開始採收豆子,且一直研究作成巧克力過程及最合適的口味。從收成、發酵、曬乾到研磨及巧克力成型一貫作業,在無數繁瑣的製作過程中克服技術上困難才找出訣竅,而且製成品質一點都不輸給世界各國的高級巧克力。每一個可可都是經過許多步驟加工才能製成您享用美味的台灣巧克力。邱氏在2007年組成了台灣巧克力研究團隊。這支團隊是台灣唯一研究從可可種植到製成巧克力一條龍作業的種子隊伍。不知丟掉多少珍貴的可可與消耗多少的時間和金錢不停的的實驗。秉持著要做最純的巧克力與用本土的材料讓製造的困難度跟成本都提高許多。每天的行程都是早上忙田裡、中午到晚上在店裡忙然後關店後熬夜練習做巧克力。一到店裡休息時通常我們都會在巧克力工房裡努力著。每次失敗又不能突破瓶頸的焦慮與失望讓我們好幾次有了打退堂鼓的念頭,但是當有所突破時是我們走下去的原動力。成功的瞬間當下的感動是不能用筆墨來形容的。我們是一群懷著夢想為台灣做事的傻瓜。當別人嘲笑我們時,我們仍努力的去做別人認為不會成功的事,經過多年的努力我們已經在台灣可可史畫下了一道起跑線。我們並不會因而自滿,往後繼續讓這份感動與好品質的台灣巧克力傳達給消費者是我們的宗旨。 

Cocoa flowers on the trunk of cocoa trees bloom successfully only 1 out of 100 times. Following pollination, half of these flowers fail to produce fruit due to various reasons, such as natural withering or animal interference. After maturing, the remaining half of cocoa pods undergo over a dozen meticulous steps to craft delicious Taiwanese chocolate. Many are curious about the steps and duration from cocoa cultivation to chocolate production. In Taiwan, the ideal climate for cocoa cultivation is found in the Kaoping area. While it typically takes 5 to 7 years to produce cocoa beans abroad, in Taiwan, beans can be harvested in just 3 years.

Cocoa thrives in tropical rainforests, ideally at elevations of 400 to 700 meters, with temperatures between 10°C and 32°C and a consistently humid environment throughout the year. After harvesting, cocoa pods undergo at least 12 processing steps over approximately 1.5 months to become edible chocolate bricks. Cocoa, the raw material of chocolate, requires advanced processing techniques to become a viable product. Mr. Chiu began planting in 2001 and started harvesting beans three years later, dedicating himself to studying the chocolate-making process and perfecting flavors. From harvesting, fermenting, drying, grinding, to chocolate molding, every step in the process has been meticulously refined to achieve the quality that rivals premium chocolates worldwide. Each cocoa undergoes numerous processing steps to deliver the delightful taste of Taiwanese chocolate.


In 2007, Mr. Chiu established the Taiwan Chocolate Research Team, the only team in Taiwan dedicated to studying the entire process from cocoa cultivation to chocolate production. Countless valuable cocoa and considerable time and money were spent on experiments. Upholding the commitment to produce the purest chocolate using local ingredients has significantly raised the difficulty and cost of manufacturing. Our daily routine involves tending fields in the morning, managing the shop from noon to evening, and practising chocolate-making late into the night after closing. Rest times in the shop are usually spent in the chocolate studio. Despite anxieties and disappointments from failures and breakthroughs, each success fuels our determination to persist. The overwhelming emotion of success cannot be described in words.


We are a group of dreamers working passionately for Taiwan. Despite ridicule, we persevere in ventures deemed unlikely to succeed, marking a significant milestone in Taiwan's cocoa history after years of dedication. We remain committed to conveying this emotion and delivering high-quality Taiwanese chocolate to consumers in the future.


咖啡種植  Coffee cultivation


Pingtung coffee, originally cultivated during the Japanese era in Taiwan, struggled to gain popularity among locals due to consumption trends at the time. Today, with changing environmental dynamics, it is gaining recognition among Taiwanese consumers. Belonging to the Arabica species, Pingtung coffee boasts a fragrance, sweetness, and richness comparable to Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee, making it a delight to savor.

Our café exclusively serves 100% Taiwan-grown Pingtung coffee, meticulously cultivated without any blend of mixed beans. Its rich, sweet taste lingers on the palate, offering a satisfying aftertaste that coffee aficionados will appreciate. We invite enthusiasts of fine coffee to join us in experiencing the freshness of Pingtung coffee.

© 2017 ChiusCoco International Co., ltd